All We Need
March 7, 2022
All We Need
This heart filled crusiform depicts being firmly centered and yet gently held and linked together by the purple strings of our God and Christ. Looking at this brilliantly defined heart helps me remember to move to my center, where Christ resides and where peace can be found. I don’t know about you but, the swings of my emotions with the news of the day, and the fear connections I move toward reverberate internally. I’ve been feeling hopeless instead of hopeful. If you know me you know this is an unusual place for my heart to dwell.
During our journey of fear and doubt we struggle. Wrapped up in all that is human in the ebb and flow of days and nights our yearning to fill our emptiness drives us.
pulsing pushing pulling … working wanting waiting … fighting falling finding … remembering reminding renewing .. linking letting loving …
peace seeking
God Alone
This painting is tiny … and also a reminder of The Mustard Seed. More importantly when I look at it I am reminded what my purpose is and that’s a relief. My calling is to Trust God and To Love. What better reminder during this season of Lent? Trust and Love. May you too look closely and find your center and abundant love. Love which overcomes the troubles of This World.
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10